Player Development Book

Player Development Book


Player Development

The TMI( Tennis Management Instructional) method covers the  areas of development to conditioning and match play.  The tracking of skills to individual exercises to have a formula for success.  The player has a way of tracking themselves to customize their individual goals and performance level to their schedule. Very detailed and for the advance player or tournament junior.  I have use with my tour professionals as a way to make sure we are following a plan of development not random development. It covers diet and conditioning and how this affects you star player.  There is a periodization plan along with a 30 day planner in relationship to player personal goals and weekly training log.  Match charting made simple and hydration log along with psychology of tennis.  The other major chart is a player report card for development that takes the burden off the coach and puts development on the player it is called a player evaluation rating. Remember what gets tracked gets done